
World Tour with Amplimax: How the Kombi Alice Pela Estrada Stays Connected to the Internet

When it comes to traveling, we all want to share every click, right? The outfit, the scenery, the challenges, the family photo in an unexpected or long-awaited destination, the kids having a great time… but that’s not always possible because in some places, internet connectivity is limited, preventing us from sharing and even staying in touch with family and friends.

Read: 5 Days for a Life in a Motorhome, click here!


Considering this, the Machado family, who decided to embark on a world tour in a van named Alice and knows about the connectivity challenges in many countries they would pass through, solved their problem with Amplimax from Elsys. Ivo Machado shares the daily routine of living inside the van with his daughter, wife, and pet on the Instagram profile @alicepelaestrada.

Starting in Brazil during the pandemic, their journey is set to conclude in South Africa, and throughout this entire route, they stay connected using Amplimax, an exclusive solution developed by Elsys, which is transforming the lives of over a million people worldwide in regions with difficult internet access, whether it be at home, in motorhomes, in rural areas, or other contexts.

But how does this remote connection via Amplimax work?

Amplimax is an innovative product developed by Elsys’ engineering team in Brazil, combining the functions of a modem, amplifier, and antenna into a single device, which is unlocked for all carriers. It captures the signal from cell towers and, when connected to a router, turns that signal into Wi-Fi for the environment.

With Amplimax, you only need:

1. A data chip from a carrier with an internet plan – it indicates the one that works best in the region you’re in.
2. Install the equipment on the external part of your vehicle, connected to power, for better signal reception.

There you go! Now you have internet throughout your journey for a safer trip – yes! Because you have internet and phone service for unforeseen situations that always occur – and you’re more connected, sharing moments with friends, family, and crushes.

Ah! But has anyone tried using Amplimax in a motorhome? How can we be sure it works?

You must have asked that question, and the answer is YES! And not only in Brazil. In the United States, for example, where the mobile lifestyle culture is much more widespread, most of the sold Amplimax devices are purchased by families (or should we say “retirees”) who live on the go.

In Brazil, Ivo, the father of the Machado family, shares his experience with Amplimax: “We turned to Elsys because we needed an internet solution on the road, as we will continue our work remotely, and Amplimax fulfills that role perfectly.”


Recently, the family traveled through countries in South America where other travelers also became interested and adopted the solution to escape connectivity issues. Since most of them share their journeys on social media and earn income from it, they found the Amplimax solution to be valuable.

Does anything change with the advent of 5G?

In theory, 5G connectivity will make connections faster and enable more interconnected functionalities. However, in practice, only a few regions are currently able to enjoy the benefits of 5G, as the implementation of the network will take years to cover the entire territory. Therefore, considering that there are still places where even 4G doesn’t work well (believe it or not!), Amplimax functions with 2G, 3G, and 4G networks, making the connection accessible to a much larger number of people.

To learn more about Amplimax, visit here!


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